child prediction by date of birth free online

 Birth of youngsters comes naturally to person. Or some would assume it to be so. But isn't it true that everyone isn't blessed children. a number of us are deprived of this beautiful gift. we all know it’s all about biological phenomena.  Astrology prediction

But the biological phenomenon is simply a neighborhood of a bigger phenomenon governed by celestial bodies.

Life, flowing as energy within the sort of an integral part of the entire, is influencing and getting influenced.

 The opposite and equal reaction of KARMA theory is working within the sort of relationships. to know astrological principals, the need for interpretation of codified formulas within the sort of definite mathematical methodology is important.  child birth astrology

The mathematical numbers are one to nine and 0 as a circle of infinite radius, within the cosmos through various permutation and combinations formulate and draw a path of human life. Every individual has definite and unique codified genes of specifically programmed to trigger at a specified time as a resultant reaction of earlier action or actions of previous birth.

The response of coupling depends on the position of those codified genes within the path of human life drawn within the cosmos. online love problem solution

 The science of astrology not only reveals about the likelihood of manufacturing children but also their development, education, married life and far more which is beyond the comprehension of up to date streams of science.

The 5th house, the Lord of 5th, the planets there in, as also the aspect to them and Jupiter and Moon, the significators, their placement in fruitful sign i.e. 4,8,12; Barren sign i.e.3,5,6; or Mediocre signs i.e. 2,7,9,10,11 are considered to guage progeny prospects.

The affliction to the above Houses and their Lords & significators reduce the probabilities and youngsters being born or their longevity.

Parameters: Auspicious relation of:
Lagna / Lagna Lord
5 House/ 5 Lord from Lagna / Jupiter
Dispositor 5 Lord
5 pada
9 House/ 9 Loard ( for Female)
Study in D/9 ( Navamsa) & D/7 (Saptamsa)
Relation between Lagna Lords of D/1 & D/7
5 Lord, Jupiter or D1 in D7 & their relation with Lagna/ Lagna Lord of D7.
Putra Saham ( Jupiter-Moon +Asc.) Transit of Jupiter over Putra Saham means birth of kid . Beeja Saputa (BS)
( for males) & Khestra saputa (KS) (for female)
Strong and well placed Beeja Saputa: Sun+Jupiter+Venus and
Khestra Saputa: Mars+Jupiter+Moon means progeny.   navamsa otherwise delay.

Garbhadanam: or Conception:
This samskara ensures the conception. This samskara is claimed to try to to away with all the impurities associated with conception and genital system of female so on make sure the birth of a lucky and healthy child. marriage astrology

The impression should be done between the fourth and sixteenth night from the day of bleeding. Understanding on even nights is claimed to offer son and on odd nights gives daughter.

Nakshatras: All fixed nakshatras, Mrigasira, Anuradha,Hasta, Swati,Shravanam, Dhanishta and Satabhisha are the simplest nakshatras for conception.

This: 1,2,3,5,7,10,12 and 13 this are good. Rikta t
ithes, Amavasya, Poornima, and Bhadra are to be avoided. Days: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are good. Monday is medium.

Lagna: The Lagna should have benefits in kendras and Trikonas. Maleficent should be in 3,6,11 houses. Lagna should be aspected by male planets and Moon should be in odd navamsa. Just Chandra and Tara's siddhi is to be secured for both males and feminine.   foreign settlement astrology 

Sex Potentiality

In female horoscope 5th and 7th house indicate sex potentiality of a woman . 5th home is a social house, indicating your relations with people on a purely emotional basis, romantic affairs, children, pleasure, speculation and affections. 7th house indicates the culmination of a number of the affairs of 5th house. So for sex potentiality of a woman , 5th and 7th houses are to be judged also 12th house, Mars and Venus also indicate the sex degree of female.


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